Step 93. Enlarge your objective


“Take a certain goal of yours and double it. Or triple it. Or multiply it by
10. And then ask yourself, quite seriously, what you would have to do
to achieve that new goal.”


The point is not necessarily to reach this 10 times bigger objective. The idea is to think, to work on ideas, how to make it real.

There is always a solution for any challenge. We just need to dig deeper and not to be afraid to try.

Step 81. Pin your life down

2814818486650014_TRvID24S_b“A goal without an action plan is a daydream.”

I’ve realised this golden rule just not so long time ago. And god, it’s really working and it’s really true. This is the reason why I was stucked so much in my unhappiness, or unexpresed happiness. I was just thinking, dreaming, wanting, but… I didn’t have an action plan. It was like, oh, it’s enough, that I want and someday it will come true. But no. It didn’t come true until I didn’t move my fingers. 

Before any adventure, take time to plan. Design your own plan of
attack. Don’t just counter what some other
wrestler is doing. Let life respond to you. If you’re making all the first
moves, you’ll be surprised at how often you can pin life down.